Wednesday 10 July 2013

GAME Plan for Meeting NETS-T Indicators

It is important today for teachers along with their students to be efficient self-directed learners. An educator that is a lifelong self-directed leaner will “be able to respond to the rapid and continuous technological changes that inevitably will occur during your professional career, keep your skills up-to-date, and better meet the needs of your students today and in the future” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p.7). One way that individuals can become more proficient at self-directed learning is by utilizing the GAME plan (Cennamo, et al., 2009). In the GAME plan, a teacher or student sets goals, plans and takes action, monitors their learning, and evaluates their progress toward meeting their goals (Cennamo, et al., 2009). The following is my GAME plan for increasing my proficiency and strengthening my confidence in my ability to meet two of the National Teacher Education Standards for Teachers, or NETS-T.

Indicator One: NETS-T 2.a: Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity (NETS for Teachers, 2012).


My goal is to formally develop the authentic learning experience which I brainstormed for my application last week and use it in my science classroom.


In order to meet this goal, I will create all of the necessary components of a lesson entitled Weather-Wise Travel Agency. In this lesson, students will be placed into cooperative groups in which they will conduct research, analyze data, and draw conclusions in order to decide an appropriate vacation destination based upon their client’s requests. Groups will utilize information gathered from the internet and their knowledge of climate trends to solve their problem. Specifically, I will create at least five different client profiles, each with different requests as to the time of year, location type, and hopes for projected weather. I will also create a project explanation presentation and handout explaining the guidelines for the project. Finally, I will create the rubric which will be used to assess student group performance on the project.

The second segment of my action plan will be to conduct the lesson in my classroom. During my unit on meteorology, the project will be explained, students will be put into groups, client requests will be distributed, and students will begin working to solve their problems. I will act as a facilitator during this portion, moving from group to group to provide assistance and clarification where necessary.


As I monitor progress, I will look to see if there are any additional components to the project preparation that were not included in my action plan. Anything needing to be edited or added to the project will be done. As students work on the project, I will record observations as to how the project is running and how well my students are able to meet the expectations. I will use my observations to further refine the project for the future.

E(evaluate and extend)

As my goal is to create a learning experience using digital tools which promotes student learning and creativity, I will be looking to see if this lesson is an example of an authentic learning experience. I will be evaluating it based upon the characteristics of authentic learning. This includes learning that is autonomous, active, holistic, complex, and challenging (Cennamo, et al., 2009). This goal will be extended by reflecting upon the lesson and making any necessary changes to it for the future. I will also be able to extend this goal by using it as a model for additional lessons that I create for my science content.

Indicator Two:

5.b: Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others (NETS for Teachers, 2012).


My goal is to become a member of my school’s professional development committee. As a member of this committee, I will play an integral role in guiding technology integration within my school, especially as that is the specific focus for the next school year. I will work with the curriculum coordinator and other colleagues to attend professional development on various innovative technology resources, gather input from staff members, coordinate and lead trainings for staff members on the school’s existing technology, and take part in a professional learning community on this topic. I will also pilot the new technological resources being considered by my Board of Education.


In order to meet these goals, I must first be appointed to the committee. With the promotion of one committee member to an administrative capacity and another member leaving for a maternity leave, there are open slots on this committee. I will first email my interest to the committee leader and become a member. Then, I will participate in the summer planning meeting scheduled for the end of August. At this meeting, I will learn the specific time commitments required of me, and I will meet these commitments as the school year goes on. I will participate in all of the areas of the committee that were mentioned in my goal.


In order to monitor my progress, I will create a professional development portfolio. This portfolio will allow me to “collect and reflect on artifacts that document professional growth” (Cennamo et al., 2009, p. 13). I will include supporting documents and artifacts, digital and print, for the different facets of technology integration that we discuss and evaluate. I will also record my observations on the experience as part of this portfolio.

E(evaluate and extend)

In order to evaluate my effectiveness of meeting my goals, I will look back through my portfolio. I will look to see if I was able to join the committee, participate in the various professional development opportunities, take part in the professional learning community, and pilot new resources for my colleagues. I will be able to decide how to extend my goal through reflecting on its completion. I will use my evaluation of my ability to meet the NETS-T indicator to decide if I need continued growth or if there are any aspects in which further learning interests me.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

NETS for teachers. (2012). Retrieved from


  1. Liza
    Regarding the first indicator, I have performed a similar assignment with my biology students. Ecology was the unit and the focus was on the characteristics of global biomes. Students worked in groups as travel agents to promote and present an electronic travel brochure of a specific biome. Students researched information in the forms of digital pictures, text, and video clips to produce the brochure. The activity increased the engagement and creativity of all students. It was also helpful in developing persuasive writing techniques. As an extension, posting the brochures to the school’s website allowed peers, parents, and members of the community to view the brochure. Students worked harder on the project knowing that it would be seen by many people.

    1. Eric,
      Thank you for your comment. Your biology lesson sounds really engaging, and I love the way the finished product (digital brochure) can be shared online. I completely agree with your thoughts on the effect an authentic audience can have on student effort levels.


  2. Liz,
    This information is well put together. It appears that if you wanted to develop a technology portfolio, you are well on your way because this could be used as an employment portfolio, because it showcases your work and it is an actual artifact (Cennamo et al., 2009, p. 14).

    1. Thank you for your comment. I agree that my portfolio will have many uses. However, I hope I don't need to use it to gain employment any time soon. I am so happy at my job! I think it will primarily serve as a professional development portfolio.


  3. Liz,
    Your plan was well written and easy to understand. Developing a digital portfolio is a great way to find particular items when you need them. We have live binders at our school. I am excited to share with my students.
